Monday, July 31, 2017

Everything you need to know about wireless mesh networks

You would be forgiven for thinking that wireless mesh networking is just another marketing bullet point for new Wi-Fi routers, a phrase coined to drive up prices without delivering benefits. But we can avoid being cynical for once: mesh technology does deliver a significant benefit over the regular old Wi-Fi routers we’ve bought in years past and that remain on the market.
Mesh networks are resilient, self-configuring, and efficient. You don’t need to mess with them after often minimal work required to set them up, and they provide arguably the best and highest throughput you can achieve in your home. These advantages have led to several startups and existing companies introducing mesh systems contending for the home and small business Wi-Fi networking dollar.
Mesh networks solve a particular problem: covering a relatively large area, more than about 1,000 square feet on a single floor, or a multi-floor dwelling or office, especially where there’s no ethernet already present to allow easier wired connections of non-mesh Wi-Fi routers and wireless access points. All the current mesh ecosystems also offer simplicity. You might pull out great tufts of hair working with the web-based administration control panels on even the most popular conventional Wi-Fi routers.
house with traditional routerLuma Home, Inc.
A conventional wireless router delivers limited coverage if you can't hardwire additional Wi-Fi access points to it.

What mesh means

The concept of mesh networks first appeared in the 1980s in military experiments, and it became commercially available in the 1990s. But hardware, radio, and spectrum requirements; cost; and availability made it truly practical for consumer-scale gear only in the last couple of years. That’s why we’re seeing so many systems hit the market all at once.
Mesh networking treats each base station as a node that exchanges information continuously about network conditions with all adjacent nodes across the entire set. This allows nodes that aren’t sending and receiving data to each other to still know all about each other. This knowledge might reside in a cloud-based backend or in firmware on each router.
Mesh networks don’t retransmit all the data passing through among a set of base stations. The systems on the market dynamically adjust radio attributes and channels to create the least possible interference and the greatest possible coverage area, which results in a high level of throughput—far higher than anything that’s possible with WDS (Wireless Distribution System) and similar broadcast-style systems.
luma mesh networkLuma Home, Inc.
Mesh network routers, such as Luma, connect multiple wireless nodes to blanket your home with Wi-Fi.
The principle behind all wireless networking is “how do I transmit this number of bits in the smallest number of microseconds and get off and let someone else use it?” explains Matthew Gast, former chair of the IEEE 802.11 committee that sets specs used by Wi-Fi. Mesh networks manage this better than WDS.
In some cases, Gast notes, a mesh node might send a packet of data to just one other node; in others, a weak signal and other factors might route the packet through other nodes to reach the destination base station to which the destination wireless device is connected.
Some mesh routers have single-band-at-a-time radios, and are meant more as smart extensions. But it’s more common that the nodes have radios for two or even three frequency bands, like the latest Eero. This lets mesh dedicate bands to intra-node data, switching channels to reduce congestion, or mixing client data and “backhaul” data on the same channel.
netgear nighthawk x10
High-end conventional routers offer high-performance features not currently found in mesh Wi-Fi systems. The Netgear Nighthawk X10, for instance, has a 10Gbps ethernet port for network storage.
The ultimate goal is to make sure as much throughput remains reserved for actual productive traffic, such as streaming 4K video from one end of a house to the other or making fast connections to internet multiplayer games, relative to that consumed by moving data around the network.
If a node is powered down or crashes—your cat gets a little too interested and knocks one off a shelf—the network doesn’t go down, too. As long as every node can continue to communicate with at least one other node, you still have a fully functioning network.
You typically rely on a smartphone to help set up the first node and network parameters and add additional nodes to an existing network. Because you don’t have to plan where mesh nodes go, mesh systems automatically reconfigure as you add nodes. Most of the systems available offer help in figuring out where to locate units, some of them using indicators on the nodes themselves while others require smartphone software. “There is an immense amount of engineering effort to make something very simple,” says Gast.

Is it smart to invest in mesh?

The price you pay for this better efficiency? Proprietary protocols. While Wi-Fi remains standardized, and extremely and reliably compatible among equipment from different makers, no two mesh systems on the market work with each other. An early mesh protocol, 802.11h, wound up being not just insufficient to the task, but entirely ignored by companies as they pursued better results and competitive advantages. It’s also unlikely that any time in the next few years a compatible industry standard would arise and get uptake, given no such standard is currently working its way through the pipeline.
router size comparison
Michael Brown
Every major router manufacturer, and a number of startups, have jumped on the mesh network bandwagon.
You have three reasons to want compatibility: a way to acquire cheaper equipment if one manufacturer charges more than you want to pay for additional nodes; as an escape route if a company or product line goes under; or as a way to upgrade a network gradually to incorporate new standards. That’s not possible with mesh.
Being locked in to one manufacturer increases risk, because several companies making mesh gear—Eero, Luma, and Securifi—are startups, and not all startups succeed. More established firms, such as D-Link, Linksys, Netgear, and TP-Link, make mesh networking hardware, but if those product lines don’t produce profit, they won’t continue to make units forever.
All of this could affect you in six ways:
  • Inability to get technical support when something goes wrong.
  • Lack of warranty coverage for failed hardware. (Companies in bankruptcy, however, might be required to fund some amount of repair and replacement.)
  • No way to purchase new units to expand your network.
  • Smartphone apps, which some systems rely upon exclusively, stop receiving updates and stop working.
  • Cloud-based elements for configuration and management get turned off, rendering the nodes inoperable or locked into the last configuration. A Wi-Fi camera memory card maker at one point intended to disable configuration updates to its cloud-linked product. This can be an issue even with active products: Google accidentally reset its non-mesh OnHub and mesh Google Wifi routers in February because of a cloud-based account login issue.
  • Critical security flaws are discovered, but can’t be updated. While it seems unlikely that a mesh device that didn’t sell enough to be a success would be exploited, most standalone hardware of any kind—from DVRs to internet-connected cameras—use a variation of Linux and one of a handful of widely used chipsets.
Balanced against this is the lifecycle of Wi-Fi routers. In my nearly 20 years of buying and testing wireless networking hardware, I’ve found that it either fails in three to five years or needs an upgrade in that time to take advantage of newer networking features. Consider the price tag on a mesh system your rental price across that period, and think about whether the value of $70 to $150 a year, depending on the system and number of nodes, delivers enough utility. If you’re lucky, it will last much longer.
Netgear Orbi and satellite
Michael Brown
The Netgear Orbi RBK50 is our current top pick in Wi-Fi routers (even if it isn't a true mesh router).

Weaving a finer mesh

The future of mesh isn’t more and more and more nodes. Rather, it’s nodes that have more and different kinds of radios and other features built in. Already, some mesh nodes have Bluetooth for configuration and personal area networking control and up to three Wi-Fi radios supporting the full 802.11a/b/g/n/ac range.
Future nodes could add more radios or slice-and-dice an 802.11ac Wave 2 feature that allows beamforming and device targeting to further separate intra-node traffic from device-to-device traffic. And they could throw in 802.11ad/Wi-Gig for superfast ultra-high-definition streaming or ZigBee and other smart-home standards.
But the baseline set already today is for fast, efficient, and simple. Newer nodes can put more icing on the cake.
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via techHive

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Take Control of Your Offered WiFi Experience with MyWiFi Networks

Nowadays, free WiFi at your establishment or event is expected by customers and attendees. How you manage that WiFi experience can mean the difference between a positive or negative encounter for your connected customers or attendees.
MyWiFi Networks enables you to take control of your end user’s WiFi experience through white-label branding, real-time analytics, social authentication, and custom splash pages. Whether you’re looking to promote your coffee shop via social authentication for the WiFi, standardize the WiFi branding at your various retail locations, or provide a professional WiFi experience for your next event, MyWiFi Networks has you covered.
Through integrating with Zapier, you can now connect MyWiFi Networks to over 750+ apps. You’ll be able to capture accounts connected to your social WiFi network as leads in your CRM, automatically add info to shared spreadsheets and marketing campaign tools to easily track users, and stay in touch after a visitor connects to your WiFi. Plus, Zapier is embedded into their intuitive automation feature so you can set up Zaps in seconds.
Once you create a Zap, it'll be saved as a template so you can easily apply the same settings for any of the available MyWiFi Networks Triggers. Manage your WiFi offering and improve the user experience with Zapier + MyWiFi Networks.

How MyWiFi Networks Works with Zapier


  • New Social Wi-Fi Device User: Triggers when a new social Wi-Fi user connects to a device.
  • New Social Wi-Fi Campaign User: Triggers when a new social Wi-Fi user connects to a campaign.
  • New Social Wi-Fi Location User: Triggers when a new social Wi-Fi user connects to a location.

Automation Inspiration

Get started with these sample Zaps:

Capture Connected Users as Leads in Your CRM

Add new social Wi-Fi users as Salesforce leads
Create or Update HubSpot contacts for new social Wi-Fi users
Add new social Wi-Fi users to an AdRoll CRM Retargeting Segment

Stay In Touch with Accounts After They’ve Disconnected

Create or update new social Wi-Fi users as Drip subscribers
Create Google Contacts for new social Wi-Fi users
Add new social Wi-Fi users to Facebook Offline Conversions events

How To Automate MyWiFi Networks With Zapier

  1. Sign up for a MyWiFi Networks account, and make sure you have a Zapier account
  2. Try some pre-made MyWiFi Networks integrations and learn more about how MyWiFi Networks works with Zapier
  3. Check out our MyWiFi Networks help documentation for details on connecting your account and setting up your first Zap
  4. Or login and build a custom workflow with MyWiFi Networks and Zapier

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How to Prepare Wi-Fi Networks for Smart Devices

Before you plug in and fire up those smart light bulbs, appliances or television you need to prepare your Wi-Fi network to ensure your speeds and security are not affected by the presence of this new equipment.

It is estimated by research firm IHS that the IoT market will grow from an installed base of 15.4 billion devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025. Our washing machines, coffee pots, thermostats, lights, probably even the toilet and the kitchen sink will all be hooked up to our home Wi-Fi networks. While this will likely lead to more convenience when it comes to home management and maintenance it will also create bottlenecks on home networks slowing down your smart phone, tablet and laptops.
Before you plug in and fire up those smart light bulbs, appliances or television you need to prepare your Wi-Fi network to ensure your speeds and security are not affected by the presence of this new equipment. Most people plug in their Wi-Fi router and never worry about it again, unless they are calling their internet provider to complain about an outage or slow connection. It might not be your provider though, your type of router, where it is placed, the bandwidth of the router and the number of devices you have connecting to it at home could be to blame for your Wi-Fi headaches.

1. Location, location, location. Router location plays a major role in the range and efficiency of a Wi-Fi network. Placing a router in a cabinet or an out of the way room might make your home look less cluttered but this also blocks the signal with doors and walls, plus everything inside your walls, from reaching the areas of your home where you are trying to use your devices. Use a Wi-Fi analytics app to check your Wi-Fi signal strength at each of the locations that you plan to put smart home devices. Be sure that the signal strength is at least 60% at each of those locations. Also check the signal strength where you normally sit to use your laptop, tablet and phone.

2. Flex Wi-Fi muscle. If you have a smaller home and need more coverage look for a high-power router that has more internal and external antennas than your current router model. If you have a larger home, consider using range extenders or a whole home Wi-Fi system.

3. Read the label. When shopping for a new router some of the key terms to look for include AC1900 as a minimum speed and MU-MIMO Technology. While your connection speeds will ultimately be determined by the level of speed you pay for through your internet service provider if you do not have a router equipped to handle the fastest speeds available today you will always experience a slower connection. MU-MIMO is desirable in homes with multiple devices and internet users. Instead of creating a queue of connection requests that are handled in order like a traditional router would do, MU-MIMO routers serve data to more devices at once without limiting speeds. This is critical in homes with smart devices as the total count of devices can add up quickly.

4. Make it ironclad. We all know that hackers have a variety of ways to trick us into giving them access to our digital accounts and methods of stealing account information and passwords from companies we do business with; however, that doesn’t mean we should just give up and let them into our networks freely. You need to make sure your network is secure as possible. If you are deciding between two routers and one offers added layers of security with virus protection and malware detection, for example, pick the one that is focused on security. Also, be sure to set up complex, hard to crack passwords. Never leave your Wi-Fi open without a password. Even guest networks should require one for access. Also, any time you have an issue with your email being hacked or one of your online accounts is breached, change your Wi-Fi password along with all your other accounts, just to be safe.
To recap;

  1. Position your router in an optimal location, as central as possible.
  2. Test your Wi-Fi signal strength with a signal strength tool, be sure to check all locations where smart devices will live.
  3. If weak spots are found, try a High-Power Router or a Range Extender. If you want a seamless network, try a Whole Home Wi-Fi System.
  4. Use a router that supports at least AC1900 speeds and MU-MIMO technology.
  5. Keep your network secure with hard-to-crack passwords and built-in protection from other web threats like Malware.

via HomeToys

Friday, July 7, 2017

Update your Android now – many holes fixed including ‘BroadPwn’ Wi-Fi bug

Google’s July 2017 security fixes for Android are out.
As far as we can see, there are 138 bugs listed, each with its own CVE number, of which 18 are listed with the tag “RCE”.
RCE stands for Remote Code Execution, and denotes the sort of vulnerability that could be abused by a crook to run some sort of program sent in from outside – without any user interaction.
Generally speaking, RCE bugs give outsiders a sneaky chance to trigger the sort of insecure behaviour that would usually either pop up an obvious “Are you sure?” warning, or be blocked outright by the operating system.
In other words, RCEs can typically be used for so-called “drive-by” attacks, where just visiting a web page or looking at an email might leave you silently infected with malware.
The majority of the July 2017 RCE bugs in Android appear under the heading “Media framework”, which means they are Android flaws that are exposed when files such as images or videos are processed for display.
Like the infamous Stagefright bug in Android back in 2015, bugs of this sort can potentially be triggered by actions that don’t arouse suspicion, because images and videos can unexceptionably be embedded in innocent-looking content such as MMS messages and web pages.
There’s also an RCE bug in Android’s built-in FTP client – this one affects all Android versions still getting patches, from 4.4.4 all the way to 7.1.2.
We’re not sure how easy it is to trigger this bug, but we’re assuming it’s tricky to exploit because Google gives it only a moderate rating.
(Mild risk ratings are unusual for RCEs – they usually attract a high or critical rating because there’s a lot at stake if an RCE vulnerability does get exploited.)

“Proximate attacker” warning

The most intriguing bug this month, however, is an RCE flaw in the Broadcom Wi-Fi code that’s used by Android devices equipped with certain Broadcom wireless chips.
According to Google, “a proximate attacker [could] execute arbitrary code within the context of the kernel”.
In plain English, that means a crook who’s within Wi-Fi range could fire off booby-trapped network packets at your Wi-Fi hardware, trigger a bug in the wireless device…
…and end up with the same programmatic powers as the Android operating system on your device.
Given that the Android kernel is responsible for keeping your apps apart, for example by preventing the new fitness app you just installed from sneaking a look at your browsing history, a security compromise inside the kernel itself is about as serious as it gets.
Unfortunately, we can’t yet give you any real detail about the Broadcom RCE patch.
The researcher who found the bug will be presenting his findings at the end of July 2017 at the Black Hat 2017 conference in Las Vegas.
Until then, all we really have are teasers for his forthcoming talk, and a the funky-sounding name BroadPwn for the vulnerability.
(Understandably, no one who’s about to unveil a cool exploit at Black Hat wants to risk giving away a TL;DR version before the talk takes place – that would be like leaking the names of the Oscar winners a week before the awards ceremony.)
Interestingly, back in April 2017, a number of security issues in Broadcom wireless firmware were found to affect both iOS and Android devices – so if you’re an iPhone user, don’t be surprised if this month’s Google patches are quickly followed by a security patch from Apple, too.

What to do?

As usual, we’re going to repeat our usual mantra: “Patch early, patch often.”
What we can’t tell you is when the vendors of devices other than Google’s own Nexus and Pixel phones will be ready with their patches – if you’re worried, ask your vendor or the carrier who supplied your device.
Also, we can’t give you a handy list of the thousands of different Android devices out there that not only include Broadcom wireless cards but also have firmware that’s affected by the BroadPwn bug.
Once again, if you are worried, ask your supplier or mobile carrier.
Having said that, we can offer you Sophos Mobile Security for Android, 100% free of charge: although it won’t patch the abovementioned security holes for you, it will stop you from browsing to risky websites and from downloading booby-trapped adware and malware apps.
A good Android anti-virus not only makes it harder for crooks to push risky content onto your device but also stops them pulling you towards phishing pages, survey scams and other criminally oriented websites.